Clifford Materials Reactivity Testing
None of the biocompatibility tests are accurate because they only measure if a material causes an immune reaction. Many toxins do not cause these reactions. Read here why.
Tests for both dental and orthopedic sensitivities.
Several health professionals work together to determine which dental and orthopedic materials are biofriendly per individual - answering the question: Which materials get along with me?
Their services focus on screening for systemic reactions to dental or orthopedic related materials. The dental materials panel includes a wide range of materials divided into 36 categories used in treating your mouth such as fillings, crowns, implants, and orthodontics. The orthopedic panel covers surgical materials divided into 33 categories used to treat other parts of the body such as hips, elbows, and spines. There are categories such as bone augmentation and sutures that are applicable to both areas and thus reported in both panels.
How accurate is the test (are there false negatives or positives)?
The accuracy and precision of the Clifford Material Reactivity test is approximately comparable to testing used for evaluation of blood sugar and cholesterol. This is based on the results of multiple samples drawn over a period of time with an accumulated accuracy of 95% or greater.
Cost excluding blood serum preparation, packaging and overnight transport:
International Clifford Materials Reactivity Test Report $275.00 (US Dollars)