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Biocomp Biocompatibility Tests

None of the biocompatibility tests are accurate because they only measure if a material causes an immune reaction.  Many toxins do not cause these reactions. Read here why.


Biocomp Laboratories, Inc. is a specialized laboratory dedicated to the investigation of dental material reactivity. Reactivity is the amount of change that occurs within the immune system when it is subjected to a foreign substance.


The objective is to measure immune system response on an individual basis using a sophisticated blood serum procedure. The end result is the Biocompatibility test, a comprehensive report that simply states whether the dental materials are Highly Reactive, Moderately Reactive, or Least Reactive. This information allows the individual to learn about and avoid dental toxicity by using as many least reactive materials as possible.


A "Highly Reactive" material can often prove to be a contributing factor in taxing the immune system over time. This condition can open the door to a wide variety of medical problems or worsen medical problems that may already exist. The results of this test work as a consulting tool to help dentists, patients and other medical professionals when choosing materials. Biocompatibility testing is a tool, it’s not an end all be all final choice for dental restorations.


In some special cases a Highly Reactive material may be required in order for some restorations to be completed. The goal is to provide the dentist and client with information so that they can both make educated decisions.


Cost excluding blood serum preparation, packaging and overnight transport:

International Compatibility Report $325.00 (US Dollars) 



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