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Most people don't realize that white dental fillings are made with plastic and fluoride - both which are toxic. They slowly leak fluoride and plastic and may cause chronic disease in the long run. Resin fillings are even more toxic than amalgam fillings, which are generally regarded as toxic.

White composite dental fillings contain 10% to 15% fluoride, but that is already too much....

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White fillings contain fluoride
Fluoride causes sleep disturbances
Fluoride causes chronic pain
Fluoride arthritis
Fluoride causes thyroid disease
Sequence 010
fluoride causes cancer
The chemicals are absorbed through the teeth and small quantities are swallowed. 
In the long run, it causes various diseases, including cancer 
brain, endocrine and skeletal disorders..

Search words this page: composite, resin, dental fillings, white fillings, fluoride, plastic, toothpaste, chronic disease, cancer, brain, endocrine, skeletal, sleep disorders, cardiac disease, high blood pressure, hypertension, chronic pain, arthritis, thyroid, Hitler, concentration camps, migraine, toxicity, infertile.

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